Advanced Fire Protection
Company Name: Advanced Fire Protection
Status: Active
State: North Dakota
Post: 58103-5739
County: Cass
City: Fargo
Address: 2490 West Country Club Drive South
Phone: (701)298-9804
Fax: (701)298-9872
Contact Owner: Bruce Hall
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 508734 Industry group: Wholesale trade - durable goods, Business category: Service establishment equipment, Subcategory: Sprinklers-automatic-fire (whls)
Employees: 11
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 4110480
Overall: Advanced Fire Protection is a business categorized under service establishment equipment, which is part of the larger category wholesale trade - durable goods. Advanced Fire Protection is located at the address 2490 West Country Club Drive South in Fargo, North Dakota 58103-5739. The Owner is Bruce Hall who can be contacted at (701)298-9804.
Description: Service Establishment Equipment
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